sales promotional merchandising

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sales promotional merchandising

sales promotional merchandising
My name is Danna Emelyanenko, I am an expert in sales and promotion of industrial products on the territory of Kazakhstan and Russia, and I specialize in products such as: Pumps pump stations, compressors, pumps, turbines, valves, scaffolding, welding accessories, welding machines, electrodes, protection, earthing equipment, earthing systems, and lightning protection. I have experience working with goods such companies as: ESAB, MOSA, Mathey Dearman, Oerlikon, Nanjing Yuyang, Parker, Harris, Alltec Corporation. In my team includes specialists in the areas of sales, sales management, and business coaches are highly qualified. If you are a manufacturer and supplier and decided to do business in Russia or Kazakhstan, please contact me. Working with me you get: 1. Representing the interests of your company in Russia 2. Organization and development of the sales network in Russia 3. The development of the branch network in Russia and Kazakhstan 4. Introduction and promotion of innovative products 5. Product promotion 6. Modern and effective methods of internet advertising product 7. Sales Management 8. Logistics Management 9. Marketing research 10. Preparing sales professionals in cities 11. Preparation and training of specialists in the management of business processes 12. Consultations in English and German 13. The organization of communications with administrative resources All you need to do is write a letter to the address Tell 1. about your product? 2. What is the goal and objectives you set for your company? 3. What kind of experience in the sales organization do you have? 4. Tell us the link to your website 5. Your contact (e-mail, skype, phone) With respect to all future partners in business Emelyanenko Danna

Имя пользователя/название организации: ТЕХНОКОМ 2007

Город: Москва

